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I’m obsessed with the show Eat Street and saw that there was a truck that made these tasty sandwiches called Arepas. I knew I had to find a recipe to try these little babies out. Luckily I have a friend from Venezuela (shout out to Sara!!!) that I could ask for some pointers on how the should look and taste. After she got over the shock that I wanted to attempt them I was a little worried not knowing if I was getting in over my head, but hey this is the year of food challenges for me so I was game. Since you can use any kind of meat in them I decided to use some pork my husband smoked, check one thing down. The remaining recipes for the bread and sauce came from Sara’s mom. She also lent me this handy little machine that makes the buns, but per the instructions on the package you can easily make them in a pan as well.

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Sara’s mom also brought me a new cheese they traditionally use on the arepas. It’s a little stronger chees that grates really nicely. I loved the flavor!

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They cheat and use a mix for the buns which you can easily find at the store, or I’m sure Amazon has it because come on they have everything! Cornmeal is also a good substitute.

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2 1/2 cups water

2 cups P.A.N.

1 teaspoon salt


Pour water into a container. Add the salt and the corn meal gradually.

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Knead until a smooth dough is formed and let rest for 3 minutes.

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Separate dough into portions and cook via desired method.

For the spread on the arepas –

2 cups mayonnaise

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon pepper

1 tablespoon vinegar

2 tablespoons chopped cilantro

Blend all ingredients together and adjust to taste.

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To assemble the arepas – Slice the cooked corn cakes in half and spread the flavored mayonnaise. I then topped mine with some grilled jalapenos, the queso duro viejo, pulled pork and sliced avocado.

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