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I’m starting to find more and more people around me who have a gluten issue so I thought I would show some support and test out some recipes for them. It’s also supposed to be good for weight loss as well so it’s a win win for me.

The biggest complaint I hear is that gluten free bread is horrible and usually if it taste good it’s because there’s a ton of sugar in it to make it better. That doesn’t help in weight loss so be sure you check the packages before you bake up a storm. I tested out this Bisquick product which is super easy to make a mini loaf in a mug. I made 2 one with the teaspoon of sugar in it and one without. They both came out the same, but it was pretty amazing how 1 teaspoon made it really sweet. I honestly liked the one without the added sugar in it. The other complaint I’ve heard about gluten free bread is it taste better usually when it’s toasted. This I can say for this recipe is true. It’s like English muffin bread if you have made it from scratch it’s ok like it is but doesn’t taste really good until you toast it. So just make yourself feel fancy and take the extra step to toast it! I would make this recipe again if I have a friend with a gluten intolerance come over so I’m not stuck with a large loaf. Honestly I would make it for us too it’s pretty good.

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Gluten-Free Bread In A Cup

(Adapted from Jennifer Harris at G-Free Foodie)


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1 large egg

1 tsp water

3 Tablespoons buttermilk  –  or 3 Tablespoons milk substitute (almond, rice, soy) plus 3/4 tsp vinegar

1/3 cup Pamela’s Gluten-Free Baking Mix (Gluten-Free Bisquick or Bisquick All-Purpose Baking Mix would work as well)

1 tsp sugar (1 tsp honey, agave, molasses or 1 Tablespoon applesauce works well as a sweetener substitute)


Combine the wet ingredients first and then incorporate the baking mix and the sugar (makes the bread softer) and stir until well combined.


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Use a rubber spatula or your finger to push the dough down into the cup and clean the surface of any extra batter.


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Put the cup in your microwave and cook for 85 seconds (cooking times may vary). Prepare to be amazed when the timer goes off. What you will have in that cup is warm, soft bread! Transfer the bread onto a rack to cool then cut into three slices (or just eat it like it is!)


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You can also toast this bread and it’s even MORE delicious! (Gluten-free bread is always better toasted for some reason.)  Or you could use it as a hamburger bun or even make grilled cheese sandwiches with it. The possibilities are endless!


Here are a few more variations that Jennifer came up with:

Sugar and Spice – 1/4 tsp. cinnamon, plus 1 tsp. extra sugar

Chocolate – 1 Tablespoon chocolate chips

Cornbread – 1 Tablespoon polenta, 2 Tablespoons grated cheddar and 1 Tablespoon green chilies

Italian – 1/8 tsp. Italian herbs plus 1 Tablespoon parmesan cheese

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