I’m back

Last week was a long week! I haven’t been able to post anything due to getting ready for the International Rice Festival. I left town Thursday morning and headed to my aunts house where my dad and I finished up our dishes for Friday. Turn in was between 8am and...

It’s here it’s here!!

Today is a long post, but have several things I couldn’t wait to share. 🙂 My husband is glad to have his beer fridge back and I no longer feel like I’m living in a dorm. As Candy said I’ll probably win one and go figure there’s a contest I just...

Katy Rice Festival Results

Another successful year at the Katy Rice Festival. They had a limit of 2 entries per person so my husband got stuck having to enter a dish since I wanted to try some new recipes I came up with. They also had a limit of 1st place per household. 1st place got $75 and a...

7up Contest

Now that the contest has passed I wanted to share my entry that made it to the top 20 for 7ups contest and won me $200. I was inspired by thinking of things I like to eat and how I could incorporate 7up into the mix. First thing that came to me was sauce. Well...

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