I’ve been playing around with something I was inspired by seeing. There’s a video where this guy makes smash burger similar to what I did, but instead of traditional burger flavors I went the taco route. We loved it! I try to cut back on bread and carbs where I can, but this Italian roots girl can’t give it all up so this is my compromise.

Smashed Taco Burger
(Created by Finding Inspiration in Food)

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4 soft tortillas
4 burger patties
4 tablespoons Taco seasoning (or to your liking)
Toppings – lettuce, cheese, salsa, etc.

Coat burger patties with taco seasoning on both sides.

Using a grill pan, place patty on pan and top with a tortilla. Smash the burger until thin and almost spread along the tortilla.

Cook for a few minutes on high thill browned and flip to crisp up the tortilla.

Remove from the grill and add desired toppings.

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