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I used our last package of short ribs to make this and I really wish I had more than one package, because it’s AMAZING!! Holy smokes this blows away any others I’ve made. We even cut slices of the baguette to make crostini’s with the leftover short ribs. Any way you eat this you won’t be disappointed!

Short Rib Sandwiches

(Adapted from The Pioneer Woman)


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2-1/2 pounds Beef Short Ribs

Salt And Pepper

Olive Oil, For Searing

1 whole Medium Onion, Finely Diced

3 whole Carrots, Finely Diced

3 cloves Garlic, Minced

1 cup Red Wine

1 cup Beef Broth

1 whole Baguette Loaf (or Smaller Crusty Buns)


Preheat oven to 300 degrees.


Salt and pepper the short ribs. In a heavy pot, heat a couple of tablespoons of olive oil over high heat. Sear the short ribs on all sides over about 2 minutes. Remove to a plate.

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Reduce heat to medium high. Add onions, carrots, and garlic and stir to start cooking.

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After a minute or two, pour in the wine and broth and stir to combine.

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Set the short ribs back in the pot, put on the lid, and place in the oven for 2 1/2 to 3 hours, or until short ribs are tender and literally falling off the bone.

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If you have time, allow them to cool, then store in the fridge for several hours so the fat will congeal on top. Once it’s hard, remove it with a spoon and discard (some of the juice and a few pieces of onion and carrot will come out with the fat, but that’s okay.) Reheat on the stovetop, then shred the short ribs.

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Toast the baguette until warm, then split down the middle. Spoon the short rib meat down the length of the baguette, then spoon the veggies and some sauce over the top. Place the top of the baguette on top, then slice sandwich into pieces with a sharp serrated knife. Serve immediately!


(If you don’t have time to refrigerate, you may skim as much fat off as you can, then just shred the short ribs immediately and serve as above.)


Variation: Melt brie cheese on top of the sandwich!

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