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Their are certain pieces of the steer meat we get that I struggle finding what to do with. Cubed Steak happens to be one of those. Hubby was a little iffy when I told him I was making this, but to both of our surprise it wasn’t too bad. I just kept telling myself it was veal parmiginana. The only turn off to using cubed steak is the amount of grease it puts off. Even with a friend over she tried it and said it wasn’t as bad as when she heard the name either. Lesson of the day – don’t judge a book by it’s title. haha. Would I make it again? Maybe, but I’m still on the hunt of what else I can use cubed steak for.

Cubed Steaks Parmigiana

(Adapted from Taste of Home)


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3 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon pepper

2 eggs

3 tablespoons water

1/3 cup finely crushed saltines

1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese

1/2 teaspoon dried basil

4 beef cubed steaks (4 ounces each)

3 tablespoons canola oil

1-1/4 cups tomato sauce

2-1/4 teaspoons sugar

1/2 teaspoon dried oregano, divided

1/4 teaspoon garlic powder

4 slices Galbani® Part Skim Mozzarella Cheese

1/3 cup shredded Parmesan cheese


In a shallow bowl, combine the flour, salt and pepper. In another bowl, beat eggs and water. Place cracker crumbs, grated Parmesan cheese and basil in a third bowl.


Coat steaks with flour mixture, then dip in egg mixture and coat with crumb mixture. In a large skillet, brown steaks in oil for 2-3 minutes on each side.


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Arrange steaks in a greased 13-in. x 9-in. baking dish. Bake, uncovered, at 375° for 25 minutes or until meat thermometer reads 160°.


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Combine the tomato sauce, sugar, 1/4 teaspoon oregano and garlic powder; spoon over steaks. Bake 10 minutes longer.


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Top each steak with mozzarella cheese; sprinkle with shredded Parmesan cheese and remaining oregano. Bake 2-3 minutes longer or until cheese is melted.

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