

Now is the time to start cranking out those Christmas craft gifts before you are left with no time at all. It’s a great project for the kids to kill some time over that long Thanksgiving break coming up.

I happened to make this one back in May while I had one of Travis’ friends over for the day. Boys where totally not into it, but I know as a proud momma I appreciated the end result as did his mom, so it’s all worth it! I think I may do one of these every year to look back on how big he’s grown over the years. Best of all it doesn’t make a mess! The recipe below made enough for 2 toddler hands. Also mine too way longer to bake and dry out, but I think that is because I didn’t roll it out as thin.

I think over Thanksgiving I’ll take Travis out exploring and maybe make one using stick, leaf, nature impressions. Maybe then he’ll be a little more excited about it since he’s such a boy!

Salt Dough

1/2 cup salt

1/2 cup flour

1/4 cup (give or take) water


Knead until dough forms. Make impression. Bake at 200 degrees F.  for 3 hours.



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