
So I admit I get a little excited when I see DIY projects where you can do major improvements for pennies at home. I also admit I don’t take as good of care of my feet as I should. I mean I’m usually home by myself and rarely see anyone. That’s changed in the past year so I’ve started to buck up and take some me time and get the occasional pedi done by the pros.

Here’s what they show online:


Here’s what happened to me:


I was a smurf for 3 days!!!! Not to mention my husband said the house smelled like I spilled a bottle of Listerine all over. I would rather have the minty smell then blue feet!!!!

Listerine Foot Soak

(Adapted from the internet)


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1 cup Listerine

1 cup Vinegar

2 cups water


Soak for 30 mins and most of the yuk rubs off.


More power to you if you are one of the rare people this works for, but for me it didn’t do anything besides turning my feet blue.

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