
As you are aware there are a bunch of products on the market claiming to use them to keep your wine fresh. Today I’ll help you out and give you my recommendation. I recently tested out a new product for keeping your wine fresh for up to a week from Savino. I love the name and it’s really catchy! Now I don’t know about you, but I tend to feel like if I open a bottle of wine I need to finish it and finish it with in a day or 2 tops because the flavor changes and usually not for the better. At first when I heard about this product I thought there’s no way it could keep for a full week, but after giving it a try I’m shocked to say it really does work!

The box is simple and elegant and you can use the Savino with red or white wine.

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The vessel is glass but the white parts you see are rubber which all comes apart and is dishwasher safe. (Also a major plus for me.) I liked the rubber neck which made being able to grip the glass without it slipping out of your hand while pouring the wine much easier. I was interested to see if red wine would stain the rubber piece on the float, which it did, but with an easy rubbing with your fingers it comes right off. The float is the most genius part of the design it keeps the oxygen from reaching your wine without tainting the flavor.

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The major selling point for me is that it fits a whole bottle of wine, but also fits in the fridge way better then a bottle does. Usually I have to re-arrange the fridge to fit a bottle in there. Not to mention if we host a party and have several bottles I’m screwed.

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The only draw back I had about it is that it needs a spout side. I know this design is cleaner looking, but I prefer a little spout to make it less messy pouring. (Or maybe there’s a technique I need to practice to get that perfect pour.)

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I did pour a little glass of wine each day to have a better idea of when the taste started to change and really on day 7 is the only time I noticed it tasting like it would on day 2 or 3 in a regular bottle.

Overall I’m really amazed by this product keeping it’s promise of preserving wine. Many times I’ve opened a bottle of wine and would have loved for someone to taste it that wouldn’t be able to come over until several days later and now this Savino allows me to share with them. Click HERE if you would like to purchase your own.

I can’t wait to amaze all my wine dinner club members with this Savino and order a few for gifts coming up!!

Also be sure to check them out on Facebook and Twitter.

Disclaimer: The Savino Connoisseur, has been provided by Savino for this Review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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