
Last year my neighbor had made these and I was jealous because I’ve been wanting to make them for a long time, but never got around to doing it. They are on my list to make this year for sure. I love the sweet and salty combo and trust me these are addicting!

Mint Thins
(Adapted from Food & Family)

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1 pkg. (8 squares) BAKER’S Semi-Sweet Chocolate, melted, slightly cooled
1/4 tsp.  peppermint extract
1 sleeve RITZ Crackers (36 crackers)
1   candy cane (6 inch), crushed

Mix chocolate and extract.

Dip crackers in chocolate mixture, turning to completely coat each cracker. Carefully scrape off excess chocolate. Place crackers in single layer on waxed paper-covered baking sheets; sprinkle with crushed candy.

Refrigerate 30 min. or until chocolate is firm.


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