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Summer is almost over, and I know parents can’t wait for the kids to go back to school. Hang in there! Here’s a fun little craft I did with some of the neighbors kids as well as 3 kids we watched last weekend. It was a total hit! One child told me I was cooler than the scientist that came to school to demo this same craft, all because he was able to make it himself. Ah yes the feeling of super woman came over me, but it’s back to work and teaching kids how to make things. This isn’t so much a food craft, but it kind of is teaching kids to cook since you have to follow directions and combine several ingredients to make a finished product.

The reason I loved this project…’s quick and easy, doesn’t make a mess on the counter while they play with it, doesn’t stain your hands, and it’s pretty cool to play with! I don’t have step by step pictures, but I kind of had my hands full helping 6 kids so I think that’s a good enough reason haha.

FYI I’ll be making my own batch to use for Halloween decorations for my party this year. I love when kids crafts double for adults crafts!

Green Slime
(Adapted from Jim Noonan via Martha Stewart)

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Tools and Materials
2 mixing bowls
Warm water
Elmer’s glue
1/4 teaspoon unsweetened Kool-Aid or 4 to 8 drops liquid food coloring
Craft stick

Slime How-To
1. Mix together 1/3 cup warm water, 1/2 cup Elmer’s glue, and Kool-Aid or food coloring. Stir thoroughly with craft stick; set aside.

2. Mix together 3/4 cup warm water and 2 teaspoons Borax. Stir thoroughly with craft stick; pour into mixture one, stirring continuously.

3. Remove glob from bowl and work in your hands for 2 to 3 minutes. Store in resealable plastic bag or air-tight container.

Tip: If mixture starts to dry out, pour a small amount of water over it and knead for 2 to 3 minutes before returning to a tightly sealed container.

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