I always like finding different unique recipes. This one was different for sure. Not in a bad way, just in a “if it was on a menu would I order it, probably not” way. It was actually pretty tasty and would be great for a brunch or Christmas morning. I had some candy bacon dust a neighbor made for me which I used instead of bacon bits. I think bacon bits would be a little awkward in a cocktail. If anything I suggest grinding them up and using as a rim.

Maple Syrup Cocktail
(Adapted from tbsp.)

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1 oz dark rum
2 oz Irish Cream
1 teaspoon maple syrup
2 oz milk
¼ cup crumbled bacon bits
2 mini Bisquick™ frozen waffles

Begin by gathering your ingredients.

Cook a few pieces of bacon, let them cool, then crumble into small pieces.

Using the waffle recipe on the back of the Bisquick™ box, make mini waffles to garnish and dip into the cocktail.

Add the Irish Cream, milk, rum and maple syrup in a cocktail shaker with ice.

Shake vigorously for a few seconds until ingredients are combined.

Strain the cocktail into a martini glass. Sprinkle a few bacon bits on the top. Add two waffles onto a skewer and place in the cocktail to garnish.

Dip the mini waffles into the drink for an added treat.

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