Let’s be honest, the days are all running together and I can’t keep track of what day it is anymore. Not leaving the house and interacting with a lot of people since Spring Break is starting to wear it’s toll. I wish I would snap my fingers and know when we’ll feel a little more relaxed and back to normal, but the truth is I have a feeling it won’t be anytime soon. I’m already worried about school starting next year even though that’s 3 months away and out of my control. Right now we hunker down and make the most of each day. So today I have an adult cocktail since breakfast in our house now creeps into lunch some days lol. I honestly had this then doubled it to make a martini which I just LOVED!!

French Toast Shot
(Adapted from A Seasoned Greeting)

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Irish Cream Liquor
Butterscotch Schnapp’s
Vanilla Vodka
Vanilla Extract
Ground cinnamon
Caramel Syrup

Prepare your shot glasses by drizzling each with caramel sauce all around the inside of each glass.

Take your cocktail shaker and fill it with ice, about 5 cubes. Next, pour in the ingredients 1oz Irish Cream Liquor, 1oz Butterscotch Schnapp’s, 1/2oz Vanilla Vodka, 1/4 teaspoon Vanilla Extract, and several dashes of ground cinnamon. As I mentioned above, if I were writing this in traditional “part” format this would be written as: 1 part Irish Cream Liquor, 1 part Butterscotch Schnapp’s, 1/2 part Vanilla Vodka, 1/4 teaspoon Vanilla Extract, and several dashes of ground cinnamon. This will equal 1 shot.

Shake everything vigorously, then pour into the prepared shot glasses. Enjoy responsibly!

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