I'm back!!!!

I’ve missed blogging so much! It’s been a long time overdue, but I finally got a much needed upgrade with new logo and web design. I hope you all love it as much as I do. Building Brands Marketing did a fabulous job so be sure to reach out to them if you need a makeover!

So what have I been up to you are wondering? I’ve dove into the PTA this year and I’m loving all the volunteer work I’ve been doing. I run the rebate merchant program, which promotes Box Tops, Coke Gives and Community Coffee. I am part of the yearbook, home room parent, grade level coordinator, manage the grade level Facebook page, PTA board member and pretty much help out any other time I can. It’s been a busy year! I still cook all the time, make crafts and travel when I can. 

My son is now 7 years old, in 1st grade and growing like a weed! He wants to be a chef so I’ll have some post he’s done as well coming up. He even makes cooking videos, it’s the cutest thing ever! 

I have LOTS of recipes to post so let’s get to cooking together!


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