
I know I’ve bragged about Pinterest before and here’s a super cute idea I found on there and had to re-write the recipe some to make it easier to understand. Basically instead of making an extra pie for Thanksgiving that no one touches try these little mini pies. I also like to think of them as being green with one less dish to wash haha. I used 10 small apples and 1 Pillsbury pie crust just to use up the whole pie crust. There’s just enough to re-roll the pie crust and make an apple pocket pie. They taste just like an apple pie without the mess of the pie slidding around in the pie dish the only part we didn’t like was chewing on the apple skin.

Apple Pie in an Apple
(Adapted from Testado, Provado e Aprovado and Modified by Finding Inspiration In Food)

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1 medium apple

1 tablespoon sugar

1/2 tablespoon all purpose flour

1/4 teaspoon powdered cinnamon

    Wash a few apples and cut off a lid from each one. With the help of a small sharp knife and a small spoon or melon baller cave the apples forming bowls and set the chopped pulp aside. To avoid the apples from getting dark, add a few drops of lemon juice.


    Mix the ingredients and sprinkle over the reserved apple pulp. Toss with a spoon and fill the apple bowls.


    Remove the dough from the fridge and cut flowers with a cookie cutter or use a circle biscuit cutter. Make some holes to release vapor while baking by using a straw.


    Carefully place a flower over each apple. Don’t try to mold the dough, it will be firm and will break. The heat of the oven will take care of that.


    Bake at 370°F (190°C) in a baking pan lined with parchment paper until they are tender and the dough is lightly golden (about 40 minutes).

    Serve warm or cool, lightly sprinkled with powdered sugar.


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