My husband and I have been married 5 years on June 28th! Time has flown by so fast and I can’t believe it’s been this long. I look forward to many more happy years with him!

We decided we would try out a new steak place called Perry’s Steakhouse. The food was yummy as expected we started with escargot and a crab cake the I had the fillet of Oscar and my husband had a New York Strip. Since it was our anniversary they gave us a slice of white chocolate cheesecake to finish our evening and the table was covered in rose petals. Good thing we didn’t eat all day and saved room for all that food!

We have a tradition that started at our wedding. The grooms cake was a chocolate cake with a cherry filling topped off with a butter cream icing and chocolate covered strawberries. Well at our wedding we did the cake cutting tasted the brides cake and then when it came for the grooms cake we just had a chocolate covered strawberry. No one saved us a piece so every year for our anniversary I order the grooms cake and we have the whole cake to ourselves. The butter cream is pure heaven! It’s so light and whipped perfect yummy! We were too full from dinner so we had it the next day. Here’s the inside:

So Happy Anniversary and I love you to my dearest husband you’re more then a girl could ever ask for!



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