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This summer has flown by! I mean it’s really a solid 2 months and school starts tomorrow. This year my son moves on to Pre-K and he seems pretty excited. We decided to do this hand scrub for his new teachers and I hope they like it. Not only is it easy to make, but who doesn’t like soft hands? I may even make some more this Christmas for gift baskets. 

I doubled the recipe and here’s how much it makes. I got 6 mini jars and 2 regular Mason jars.

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Bless Your Sweet Hands: Lemon Sugar Hand Scrub and {free} Printable Tags

(Adapted from Caramel Potatoes)

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2 cups sugar

1/3 cup coconut oil

lemon zest (about 1/2 of a lemon)

several drops lemon essential oil (you could you lemon extract)


Heat the coconut oil in the microwave until soft, but not melted (10-15 seconds).  Add the coconut oil to the sugar and work it in until completely combined and crumbly.   Add the lemon zest and lemon oil.

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Package in cute well-sealed containers such as jars or tins.

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