Let’s be honest, this is the time of year I run off of coffee. Between planning meals, buying gifts, attending events and whatever life has to throw my way I’m living one cup of coffee to the next. Cold coffee is one of the best things I could have found, mostly because I’m on such the go my coffee doesn’t stay hot. Cold coffee doesn’t make me feel how busy I am, because it’s still cold lol.
Aldi had this caramel apple coffee and I had to try it. It’s in k cups which I don’t have the coffee maker that uses them anymore, but that’s ok because I’ll show you how you can still make this!

I followed the following chart I found on Pinterest for making cold coffee. Even if it comes out strong you can add more water to it to get the desired strength you are looking for.

You’ll let it sit overnight then the next day strain it really good. You can use a coffee filter, or if you’re like me and also don’t have those you can use some cheese cloth.

Once it’s ready I swirled in some salted caramel into a glass and added ice. Pour the desired amount of cold coffee and top with your desired creamer. I used some of the Salted Caramel Creamer I made recently. Click HERE for the recipe. Enjoy!

Can’t wait to try this!