
I’m not much of a coffee drinker, but when I do I like it super sweet and full of cream so it ends up looking like chocolate milk when I’m done. I like the iced coffee’s different places offered now a days so I was excited to see this new product from International Delight hit the shelves. I drink it like it is, but one day tried experimenting with it cooking and I like the way it tasted on French Toast.


There’s really no recipe for this, you just kind of wing it. I mixed together about 1/4 cup iced coffee with 1 egg and a dash of cinnamon, if desired. Once it’s combined dip your French bread slices in the egg mixture and add it to a buttered skillet.


Flip it when it’s a nice golden brown color.


When they are ready transfer to a place and sprinkle on some powdered sugar and top with strawberries.


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