So what have I been up to lately? Well hmmm let me see…Hubby and I took a quick trip up to Pittsburgh, Niagara Falls and Canada weekend before last, here’s a couple of quick pictures from that trip…
Once we got home I flew out the next day to Iowa to meet with the Iowa Corn Growers Association for a two day tour of the corn industry. (Blog post coming Friday.)
Saturday was all about our baby girl Mocha there was a local pumpkin patch festival at the pet ranch so we took her to get some pictures taken. Poor baby was so hot in her costume we had to take it off so she didn’t look so hot in the pictures.
Sunday we helped volunteer setting up tables for Lucky Dog Rescue’s 7 course Savory & Sweet event at Ralph Smith’s Photography Studio, which is an OMG to die for space. I snapped a few quick pictures so maybe one day I can build a space like this!!
Then yesterday I got to meet Bobby Flay when he came to town for a book signing. I really like the set up where he was on the same side of the table as you. I told him I write a food blog and had a question for him – “I know this sounds dumb, but what’s your favorite course to cook, I know you like grilling, but who knows maybe you have a passion for baking?” His response was – “I think anything with shellfish, it’s my favorite thing to cook.” Then he asked for the name of of blog so I told him and he said he really liked the name then asked if I had a card. I almost fell over and died. I really hope he checks out my blog, but who knows. I hope you enjoy the pictures. I was impressed he was so chatty and full of personality. You never know if these celebrities let the fame get to their head and just there to get a paycheck. I honestly can say I think Bobby really cared about everything everyone said to him and he interacted with everyone. I admire him for that, especially with his crazy tour schedule sometimes doing 2 signings in 1 day.
Oh before I forget they passed out samples of his mac and cheese from the new cookbook Bobby Flay’s Throwdown The Cookbook. I also wanted to send a shout out to Jennifer and Wade whom I probably talked their ear off in line. Jennifer was kind enough to hold the sample of mac and cheese so I could get a quick picture and Wade took my picture with Deborah Duncan host of Great Day Houston. Thanks again guys!!